Saturday, October 16, 2010

Catfish Head and A Veterans CONCEPTUAL ART For History

Conceptual art is a type of art in which the artist's idea or concept of a work of art and the means of executing that idea have primary importance, while the art work itself which may or may not be produced, is regarded as secondary.

Carl George Mueller, 1968 Vietnam Veteran from Sussex and Brown Deer, Wisconsin, 1945-1983.  
I lived in Wasilla, Alaska for about 2 months around 1976. License number was 603616. 

My hand is going through the back of the head and out the mouth of a 12 pound catfish!      This picture was taken when I was living in a homeless shelter and had a part time job at a private lake in Corona, CA., about 1999.

Abstract artistic impression of 9-11 by Carl G. Mueller, Nam 68.

Upper left side metaphorically shows the American flag shredded by the first plane.
This first plane has already hit the first tower.   
Little x marks respectfully represents victims jumping from the now collapsing tower.  
Left side also shows the second plane again shredding the flag and about to hit the second tower.  
The far right shows both towers collapsed but the Statue of Liberty is still standing tall.  
Lower left and front of the envelope represents the New York skyline. 
The face of the Scream by artist Edward Munch is interlaced within the artwork thus symbolically expressing America’s pain and fear.


  1. Very good, Very original. Worth buying the originals. I look forward to seeing the new fishing and art, since (me Carl) is or soon will be living in southern CA?

  2. September 16, 2014

    To Whom It May Concern:

    Subject: The trap of war?

    Do NOT let the shocking terror campaign of be-headings get more Americans killed because we fell into the trap of war.

    It has been said, “Know your enemies better than your friends.” Keeping that in mind here is a terror campaign website, why America should go into the trap of war:

    That shocking website is why America will have a hard time getting locals to fight on our side, because when we leave their country the terrorist well still be there. As we can see it doesn’t take many to cut the head off and terrorize the locals. Thus America is caught AGAIN in the trap of “their” terror environment(s). In 1968, I like over 600,000 others, was caught in the so called Vietnam “stop communism” trap of war.

    Another thing, who is going to pay for the restart terrorizing war, the rich? I think the rich will tell the politicians to pay for the war by taking away some of the benefits that the poor get like food stamps, housing assistance and low interest educational loans. And forget about helping the Veterans with PTSD who lived in the land of the be-headings, because the terror has changed things since Obama requested Congress for money to help Veterans?

    If we must go to war, first make a law that makes the rich pay a War Tax. But since the rich make the politicians a war tax isn’t even talked about?

    Another thing, we need a war to create jobs and a place to send the illegal’s so illegal’s can pay for their new US citizenship application?

    Carl G. Mueller, Vietnam 1968
